The Legislative Hall in Dover is a red brick, Colonial style building with white windows and a two tiered Cupola or bell tower on top of it. It has a grand (split) staircase visible from the entrance with stained wooden steps and railings (another first) and painted to match the rest of the interior. From the moment I walked in, I was stepping back in time, especially when I entered the House and Senate Chambers. It thrust me back in the days when our Founding Fathers were making decisions about the future of our country, here in the First State to join the union.
This was the first capitol building that I personally called ahead before arriving. Though not intentional, it paid off because waiting for me was a welcome package filled with brochures, pins and state memorabilia. (Thanks to Kathy!)
By now, you may have already noticed that not all state legislative buildings are identified as “Capitols”. Of the first ten capitols visited, three are called “State Capitol”; five are called “State House” and one goes by “Statehouse”, all one word (Vermont). Try to find the “Capitol Building” in Delaware with your GPS and you may not find it as it is the only state that calls it the “Legislative Hall”.